30 SECOND BIBLE STUDY: Luke 24 (following the resurrection) - Jesus walks with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they were (divinely) kept from recognizing Jesus (For a time / for a purpose). Once in the home of the disciples, "As they sat down to eat, He (Jesus) took the bread and blessed it. Then He broke it and gave it to them." (v30) Continuing, "Suddenly, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him..." (v31). It was NOT the custom that the guest would serve the bread, but Jesus did. (COULD IT BE) as He pulled up the sleeves of His cloak, they saw the nail prints on His wrists! THERE! Do you see it! (Divinely seeing) recognizing Jesus! May we too be aware and see what He puts in front of us, recognizing Him. (Point to Ponder). Happy mid-week or for some of us, Happy 2,435 day of 2020. 

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